How Can I Make My Windows More Energy Efficient?

February 8, 2021

If you’re losing too much heated or cooled air through your windows, you don’t have to replace them. There are ways to make existing windows more energy efficient, which can save you a lot of money on your energy bills. Seal Gaps It’s often the case that windows aren’t sealed properly, especially older ones. This lets air easily travel between your home and the outdoors. This problem can be easily and cheaply fixed. You can’t always see gaps around your windows. One way to spot them is to hold up a

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Does Having Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality?

January 5, 2021

Most homeowners are surprised or even shocked to discover that the air in their homes is two to five times more polluted than the air in the backyard. If you’re concerned about your home’s indoor air quality, you might have considered getting some plants. It’s important to know whether or not there is any benefit to indoor air quality if you choose to bring plants into your Midlothian, VA, home. What Houseplants Do Houseplants respire differently than animals. They take carbon dioxide into their cells and release oxygen, which is the opposite of what animals do.

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What Does a Furnace Tune-Up Cover?

December 3, 2020

You heard that furnace maintenance would be a good idea but are wondering what it will cover. That will depend, of course, on who you hire for the job. The following should serve as an accurate outline. The Inspection The inspection is the main part of a furnace tune-up. Technicians will inspect all major components, including the blower components, heat exchanger, burner assembly and heat strips. They will check the electrical wiring to see if connections are loose, which can pose a fire hazard. They also look for dirt on components, which can easily

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Safety Tips for Your Space Heater

November 16, 2020

Many people use a space heater to heat a room in the winter instead of warming their whole home. It’s critically important to be cautious with them, though, as they cause over 20,000 fires a year in the United States. Don’t Use a Power Strip You should never plug a space heater into a power strip. They have to be plugged directly into a wall outlet with no other device using it. Property and lives are lost every year because a space heater causes a power strip to overheat and cause a fire.

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Some HVAC Troubleshooting Tips to Be Aware of

October 20, 2020

Your air conditioning unit at home may stop working altogether or at least fail to deliver the results you are looking for. When this happens, it is important to diagnose and resolve any problems as quickly as possible. Doing so on time helps detect and prevent further damage to your air conditioning unit. It also prevents the cost of repairs from escalating. Here is a deeper look at the common HVAC troubleshooting tips to follow. Inconsistent Airflow Inconsistent airflow is often associated with a clogged air filter or blocked vents that constrain airflow. Any obstruction on

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Pre-Winter Furnace Checklist

September 20, 2020

You should make sure that your furnace is prepared for the winter before you need to use it. A furnace doesn’t require a homeowner to do a lot of work, but there are some things you should do yourself. Adjust Your Thermostat You should switch your thermostat from cooling to heating mode before it gets cold outside. Set the thermostat a few degrees hotter than the current temperature and make sure the furnace turns on after a minute or so. If it doesn’t turn on, you should contact a professional. Change the Filter

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Are Ductless Air Conditioners Efficient?

August 16, 2020

When it comes to cooling your home, a central air conditioner isn’t your only option. Also commonly referred to as a mini-split system, a ductless air conditioner offers amazing performance with a smaller footprint. Ductless air conditioning systems provide an efficient way to ensure your home’s comfort without the requirement of ductwork installation. Read on to learn about additional benefits of ductless air conditioning systems. They Are Cost-Effective One of the biggest advantages of investing in a ductless air conditioning system is the overall cost savings it offers. Ductless AC systems require less power to operate

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How Can Air Quality Affect Your Mental Health?

July 16, 2020

There isn’t any debate over whether air pollution affects your physical health. However, researchers are now increasingly linking air pollution to mental health. Improving your indoor air quality can go a long way toward improving your physical and mental health. Air Pollution and Mental Health Link Exposure to air pollution has been shown to be associated with people having a higher risk of mental health issues. While researchers haven’t determined precisely why this is the case, some suspect it’s because air pollutants enter the bloodstream via inhalation and then reach the brain. This can cause neurotoxicity,

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Why Isn’t My Air Conditioner Cooling The House?

June 16, 2020

You run the air conditioner, yet it never seems to reach the temperature you set or cool every room evenly. This can indicate a problem with the AC system. Below are a few of the most common issues that homeowners encounter. Clogged Air Filters The filter is located in your return vent, and its job is to trap pollutants like dirt and pollen so that they don’t clog the air handler. However, the filter itself can get clogged and obstruct the flow of air, straining your system and causing uneven cooling. Replacing filters is a simple

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What Are The Most Common Indoor Air Pollutants?

May 14, 2020

Indoor air is much more polluted than people realize. It’s usually the case that the air outdoors is far cleaner than the air in your home. Here are the most common air pollutants found in American residences. Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless gas produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. It can enter your house through a furnace not properly burning natural gas, a car idling in the garage, or other ways. At low levels, carbon monoxide causes headaches and dizziness. At high levels, it can cause confusion or even death.

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