Why Is My AC Making a Squeaking Sound?

August 15, 2022

Central air conditioners contain an evaporator unit, an air handler, and a big outdoor unit that houses a compressor. Every time your AC begins a cooling cycle, there are a variety of mechanical sounds produced. Nonetheless, squeaking from an AC unit is unusual. It is usually an indication of a mechanical problem in the air handler components or the compressor. Reasons Why Your AC Unit Is Squeaking There are several possible reasons why your air conditioner produces a squeaking noise. In most cases, the unusual sounds are caused by a mechanical problem. The following are some

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Problems That Can Develop With Your AC Compressor

July 20, 2022

AC compressor problems aren’t uncommon, especially when you overlook preventative maintenance. These issues often require professional attention, so it’s best to avoid repairing an AC compressor without the pros. Preventive AC maintenance is vital to keeping the compressor in great shape and preventing most of these problems. Also, prompt repairs are necessary as soon as you notice a faulty compressor to avoid costly replacements. Faulty Cooling Faulty cooling happens when the AC compressor is sluggish or air fails to come out even when you turn on the compressor. Cooling problems often arise when the compressor is

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How Does Static Pressure Affect an HVAC System?

June 14, 2022

Static pressure is a term that many people aren’t familiar with, but it can play a big role in how well your air conditioning and heating system performs. Maintaining the right static pressure can help you keep your home comfortable and can increase the efficiency of your system. What Is Static Pressure? In an air conditioning and heating system, air flows through ductwork and the system itself. Static pressure is defined as the resistance to airflow through these systems. If there is a blockage or the system isn’t working correctly, static pressure can increase. An

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You Won’t Save Money by Closing the Upstairs Air Vents

May 17, 2022

Some homeowners who don’t use their upstairs so much will close the air vents in that area when summer comes. However, far from reducing their cooling bill, this can compromise indoor comfort downstairs and put great wear and tear on the AC. You Lose Cool Air One might think that closing the air vents to unused rooms will lead the AC to cool the other rooms more quickly. This isn’t exactly the case. Remember that single-speed air conditioners have a specific cooling capacity and that installers fit them to each home depending on factors like:

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Does It Matter Where I Place My Thermostat?

April 18, 2022

Does It Matter Where I Place My Thermostat? For your thermostat to get an accurate reading of the temperature in your home, where it is placed is important. If you place it in the wrong spot, your home may get too warm or cold. Follow these rules to get accurate readings. Height Matters Warm air rises, so how high you place the thermostat on the wall matters. It should be between 52 and 60 inches above the floor. Don’t Place You Thermostat in Sunlight If sunlight hits your thermostat, it

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Is Buying a Used Furnace a Safe Way to Save Money?

March 17, 2022

Buying a used furnace may be an attractive option for individuals wanting to save money. However, you should consider if saving on this equipment now will be worth the potential financial risks and safety concerns in the future. This article discusses a few of the reasons why buying a used furnace might not be the best idea. No Warranty Used furnaces typically do not come with a warranty. This means there is no guarantee that the furnace will serve you well and function safely. A new heater comes with a warranty and could potentially last 15

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When Is the Time Right for a New Air Conditioner?

February 15, 2022

Whether you are replacing an older unit or are considering your first air conditioning system, it can be quite beneficial to know the best time of year for shopping for and installing a new AC unit. All things considered, spring is an excellent time to think ahead to those hot summer months and make sure you are prepared. With the right timing, you can save yourself plenty of time, money, and stress. Better Deals Just like shopping for any product, you can save money by making purchases in the offseason. This is when many manufacturers offer

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3 Questions to Ask Your Heating Repair Technician

January 10, 2022

It’s no fun dealing with a heating malfunction or breakdown. It can be expensive, and it can cause you a lot of discomfort. However, the bright side to heating repairs is that you can treat them as learning experiences. The technician who handles your repair job is a deep source of knowledge, and they will have had a firsthand look at the state of your appliance. If you ask the right questions, you can equip yourself with the tools to be a more responsible homeowner. 1. Could You Have Prevented This Problem? It’s important to remember

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Here’s Why Your Furnace Might Be Blowing Cold Air

December 20, 2021

Nothing’s worse than coming home on a cold day to find your heating system is blowing cold air. Fortunately, the problem could be quite minor. Sometimes, it’s even something you can fix yourself. However, some issues are more serious and require the service of a professional heating technician. Here are some of the most common reasons your furnace could be blowing cold air. Dead Thermostat Battery If you’ve had your thermostat for a number of years and have never changed the battery, this might be the problem. Put in a fresh battery to see

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Tips for Preparing for a Furnace Installation

November 18, 2021

Furnaces can last for 15 to 20 years, especially with frequent protective maintenance. Therefore, you will need to replace your furnace at least once in your lifetime. It’s essential to select the appropriate furnace to maximize functional efficiency. So, how do you prepare for a furnace installation? Here are some tips. Evaluate Your Heating Requirements It’s important to access your home’s heating requirements before you purchase a furnace. It would help if you considered seeking the services from a professional to get the most appropriate recommendations for your home. Moreover, it would help if you considered

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